
Market Research

Our Market Research expertise includes a full suite of qualitative and quantitative methodologies across consumer and business insights. We deploy initiatives across, consumer, business, employees, multicultural and hard to reach audiences. We support our research with an in-house advanced analytics  team of data scientists and data visualization and communications experts.

Unlike traditional firms, we view collecting research data as just the beginning: it is the foundation upon which we build, not the final goal. In addition to executing ad-hoc research and tracking programs, our strategic insights process incorporates:

  • Holistic Data Integration: Merging market research, CX insights, analytics, and customer data to tackle the “what,” “why,” and “next” of your business challenges.
  • Proprietary Panel Development: Expertise in designing and overseeing bespoke panels for customers and employees, capturing essential insights.
  • Embedded Expert Program: Embedding our specialists in your team to create customized solutions that address your unique business challenges.
  • Strategic Insights Team Development: Partnering with insights organizations to streamline transformations, delivering rapid, impactful insights within budget.

Market Research Capabilities

Product Innovation and Deployment

Optimizing products for unmet needs; assessing market and concepts. 

Brand Strategy

Enhancing brand strategy and positioning; assessing equity and opportunities.

Communications Strategy

Refining messages and narratives for target audiences.


Gathering insights through multi-platform focus groups, IDIs, and intercepts.


Optimizing B2C/B2B research; building panels and accessing agile insights.

BI/Advanced Analytics

Advancing analytics and data integration for strategic insights and visualization.

Past success story

Leveraging an
Agile Plus
Framework to
Position Bundling

A Fortune 100 telecommunications company wanted to understand what home internet, mobile, and streaming service bundling concepts would attract consumers. Using our Agile Plus framework, OGC Global produced valuable research at half the cost and a third of the time of a full custom study. By discovering actionable high-level insights, we answered this question in time to inform key strategy conversations.
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